La generización como dilema para investigadores de políticas: entradas del blog de Carol Bacchi 2018-2019
Palabras clave
Texto completo:
Bacchi, C. 1990. Same difference: Feminism and sexual difference. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Bacchi, C. 1996. The Politics of Affirmative Action: “Women”, Equality and Category Politics.
London: Sage.
Bacchi, C. 1999. Women, Policy and Politics: The Construction of Policy Problems. Londres:
Bacchi, C. 2009. Analysing Policy: What’s the Problem Represented to be? Frenchs’ Forest:
Pearson Education.
Bacchi, C. 2017. Policies as Gendering Practices: Re-Viewing Categorical Distinctions. Journal
of Women, Politics & Policy. 18(1): 20-41.
Bacchi, C. y Eveline, J. 2010. Mainstreaming politics: Gendering practices and feminist theory.
Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. Disponible en el sitio web de University of Adelaide
Bacchi, C. and Goodwin, S. 2016. Poststructural Policy Analysis: A Guide to Practice. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bonham, J., Bacchi, C. y Wanner, T. 2015. Gender and Cycling: Gendering cycling subjects and forming bikes, practices and spaces as gendered objects. In J. Bonham and M. Johnson (eds) Cycling Futures. Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, pp. 179-202. Disponible en el
sitio web de University of Adelaide Press.
Chetkovich, C. 2019. How non-binary gender definitions confound (already complex) thinking about gender and public policy, Journal of Public Affairs Education, DOI: 10.1080/15236803.2018.1565050
Dahl, H. 2017. Struggles in (Elderly) Care: A Feminist View, Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Foucault, M. (2001) [1984]. À propos de la généalogie de l’éthique: Un aperçu du travail en cours (rewritten version). In D. Defert, & F. Ewald (Eds.), Michel Foucault: Dits et Écrits, tome II. Paris: Gallimard.
Gherardi, S. 2019. If we practice posthumanist research, do we need ‘gender’ any longer? Gender, Work and Organization 26: 40-53
Kantola, J. y Lombardo, E. 2017a. Gender and Political Analysis. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kantola, J. y Lombardo, E. 2017b. Feminist political analysis: Exploring strengths, hegemonies and limitations. Feminist Theory18(3): 323-341.
Mendoza, B. 2012. The Geopolitics of Political Science and Gender Studies in Latin America.
En Jane H. Bayes (ed.) Gender and Politics: The State of the Discipline. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 33–58.
Moore, D., Fraser, S., Keane, H., Seear, K. & Valentine, K. 2017. Missing Masculinities: Gendering Practices in Australian Alcohol Research and Policy”. Australian Feminist Studies, 32(93): 309-324.
Prügl, E. 2016. How to Wield Feminist Power. En M. Bustelo, L. Ferguson and M. Forest (eds) The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer: Gender Training and Gender Expertise. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Staudt, Kathleen. 2008. “Gendering Development.” In Politics, Gender, and Concepts: Theory and Methodology, eds. G. Goertz and A. Mazur. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 136–56.
St. Pierre, E. 2000. Poststructural feminism in education: An overview. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(5): 477-515.
Tamboukou, M. 1999. “Escribiendo genealogías: una exploración de las estrategias de Foucault para hacer investigación. Discurso: Estudios en la política cultural de la educación, 20(2)
van Houtum, H. 2005. The geopolitics of borders and boundaries. Geopolitics, 10: 672-679.
Westbrook, L. y Schilt, K. 2014. Doing Gender, Determining Gender: Transgender People, Gender Panics, and the Maintenance of the Sex/Gender/Sexuality System. Gender & Society. 28(1): 32-57.
Westbrook, L. and Saperstein, A. 2015. New Categories are Not Enough: Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surveys. Gender & Society. 29(4): 534-560.
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