UNMDP > Facultad de Humanidades > Publicaciones > Revistas


Revista de Educación - Año de inicio: 2010 - Periodicidad: 3 por año
https://fh.mdp.edu.ar/revistas/index.php/r_educ - ISSN 1853-1318 (impresa) - ISSN 1853-1326 (en línea)

Hegemonic discourse versus cultural resistance. The case of the Patagonian lands appropriation in the context of the nation-state formation period

Sonia Bazán, Gladys Cañueto


Departing from the theoretical contributions of Critical Pedagogy, we reflect and offer potential for application in the teaching practices in Argentinean Contemporary History classes. From a multidimensional view of interculturalism, it is proposed that the classroom in which history is read become the setting for reflection upon diversity; a context for the discussion and analysis of the influential constellation of ideas from varied perspectives: structural, junctural and personal. The case under study is the process of the incorporation of the Patagonian lands in the shaping of the national domestic market of the agricultural export model while Argentina was developing as a peripheral country. Although the case started in the last decades of the 19 th century, it still has an impact at present. Within this theoretical framework, we aim to review the hegemonic discourse present in textbooks of the traditional school which justified the annihilation of aboriginal communities in favor of the legitimization of the Argentinean National State in the context of the liberal capitalist economy of the 19 th century. As well as this, we counterpose these readings with current texts that account for the resistance movements both in discourse and action. 

Palabras clave

critical pedagogies; interculturalism; teaching practices; hegemonic discourse; diversity

Texto completo:

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Revista de Educación es una revista de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
Correo electrónico: reveduc@mdp.edu.ar | Web: https://fh.mdp.edu.ar/revistas/index.php/r_educ/index

ISSN 1853-1318 (impresa)  - ISSN 1853-1326 (en línea)

Licencia Creative Commons se encuentra bajo Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

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