UNMDP > Facultad de Humanidades > Publicaciones > Revistas


Revista de Educación - Año de inicio: 2010 - Periodicidad: 3 por año
http://fh.mdp.edu.ar/revistas/index.php/r_educ - ISSN 1853-1318 (impresa) - ISSN 1853-1326 (en línea)

Report on the “II Conference on Researchers, Research Groups and Research Projects. 17 th and 18 th September 2014”

Claudia De Laurentis, Jonathan Aguirre


The Research Group on Education and Cultural Studies (GIEEC) in association with The Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Education (CIMED), both from the School of Humanities, State University of Mar del Plata, Argentina, have organized the “II Conference on Researchers, Groups and Research Projects”. They took place at the facilities of ADUM and UNMDP, in Mar del Plata, Argentina on September, 17th and 18th coordinated by Dr. Luis Porta. Educators, specialists and researchers from our country, Colombia as well as from the University of Extremadura, Spain, were part of the event.

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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Revista de Educación es una revista de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
Correo electrónico: reveduc@mdp.edu.ar | Web: https://fh.mdp.edu.ar/revistas/index.php/r_educ/index

ISSN 1853-1318 (impresa)  - ISSN 1853-1326 (en línea)

Licencia Creative Commons se encuentra bajo Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

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