Última modificación: 2018-12-16
Mass immigration to Europe started in the last decades of the twentieth century. Its trend increased throughout the last ten years, especially after 2014, due to some geopolitical happenings and emergencies in other continents and to humanitarian international refugee programs. Nowadays the migration flows from the African continent to Southern Europe are substantial, legal and illegal organizations escort and redirect migrants on the routes through Niger and Saharian paths to Lybia and across the Mediterranean sea. Human trafficking is enhanced by smugglers that abandon travelers on boats between Lybian and international waters, humanitarian organizations later collect them and land them on the nearest country’s shore. Italy has been for years the primary country of landing, due to its geographic placement and to the previous government’s favorable attitude.
This article points out the phenomena and its effects on the Italian and Europen social and demographic context, on the labor market - employment, unemployment and salaries -, and its consequences on the political attitude and consensus, with special regard to the future of European nations and parties. The lack of integration strategies, due to the relatively new emergency of the extra European immigration, and actor’s and stakeholders’ opacity, is causing a social crunch that will eventually bring about a radical political change after the next European elections, as already outlined by the last Italian polls.